Interplanetary Unconference

Sponsored to date by Planet Kavian, Planet Neri, Planet Magor and Planet Eyeke

judges information

what you need to know

Thank you for agreeing to be a judge in the Interplanetary Unconference's Community Hackathon!

Thank you for your time and service to the community!


Prize pools are currently at:

community hackathon entrant folders


Become a registrant to plan and attend the sessions and add your perspectives to history!

The Interplanetary Unconference will be a two week event planned by the public and more specifically by the registrants in support of interplanetary discussion.  Dates and activities will be planned by registrants.

Thank you to Planet Kavian, Planet Neri, Planet Magor and Planet Eyeke who have sponsored the Interplanetary Unconference.



Our registrants have so far determined that our goals are:

1. Have Fun Together

2. Explore & Gain Knowledge About the Planets

3. Chronicle Our First Year as Planets

4. Discuss Issues That We Can Work on Together


The registrants have determined that we will achieve our goals by:

1. Discussing Topics in Sessions

2. Sharing Game Demos and Projects

3. Hosting a Hackathon

4. Documenting Registrant & Community Perspectives

5. Sharing Special Events Hosted by Planet Communities

get involved

Want to get involved? 

* Be a Registrant to Plan & Attend - Register at

* Volunteer to Be a Video Editor or on the Outreach Team Members for Inviting People, Host or Creator

*  Share Your Game or Project

* Developers & Creators to Enter Hackathon

* Sponsor the Unconference - Send rewards to WAX account unconference

unconference resources

What is happening, happened and going to happen?  Follow the feedback, see and plan the schedule, and add the calendar to your calendar for the latest events!

what is an unconference?

The objective of the Interplanetary Unconference is to cause discussion among the players in a decentralized fashion, with some degree of buy-in and resulting in content to share reflecting communications of the participants. The un part of the unconference means you, the registrants plan it! 


Questions about the Interplanetary Unconference? Contact Lisa Chandler in Telegram or on Twitter @lisachandler or visit Telegram @interplanetaryunconference